Wednesday, March 12, 2014


1. I pride myself on having a large vocabulary.

2. Using numbers and numerical symbols is easy for me.

3. Music is very important to me in daily life.

4. I always know where I am in relation to my home.

5. I consider myself an athlete.

6. I feel like people of all ages like me.

7. I often look for weaknesses in myself that I see in others.

8. The world of plants and animals is important to me.

9. I enjoy learning new words and do so easily.

10. I often develop equations to describe relationships and/or to explain my observations.

11. I have wide and varied musical interests including both classical and contemporary.

12. I do not get lost easily and can orient myself with either maps or landmarks.

13. I feel really good about being physically fit.

14. I like to be with all different types of people.

15. I often think about the influence I have on others.

16. I enjoy my pets.

17. I love to read and do so daily.

18. I often see mathematical ratios in the world around me.

19. I have a very good sense of pitch, tempo, and rhythm.

20. Knowing directions is easy for me.

21. I have good balance and eye-hand coordination and enjoy sports which use a ball.

22. I respond to all people enthusiastically, free of bias or prejudice.

23. I believe that I am responsible for my actions and who I am.

24. I like learning about nature.

25. I enjoy hearing challenging lectures.

26. Math has always been one of my favorite classes.

27. My music education began when I was younger and still continues today.

28. I have the ability to represent what I see by drawing or painting.

29. My outstanding coordination and balance let me excel in high-speed activities.

30. I enjoy new or unique social situations.

31. I try not to waste my time on trivial pursuits.

32. I enjoy caring for my house plants.

33. I like to keep a daily journal of my daily experiences.

34. I like to think about numerical issues and examine statistics.

35. I am good at playing an instrument and singing.

36. My ability to draw is recognized and complimented by others.

37. I like being outdoors, enjoy the change in seasons, and look forward to different physical activities each season.

38. I enjoy complimenting others when they have done well.

39. I often think about the problems in my community, state, and/or world and what I can do to help rectify any of them.

40. I enjoy hunting and fishing.

41. I read and enjoy poetry and occasionally write my own.

42. I seem to understand things around me through a mathematical sense.

43. I can remember the tune of a song when asked.

44. I can easily duplicate color, form, shading, and texture in my work.

45. I like the excitement of personal and team competition.

46. I am quick to sense in others dishonesty and desire to control me.

47. I am always totally honest with myself.

48. I enjoy hiking in natural places.

49. I talk a lot and enjoy telling stories.

50. I enjoy doing puzzles.

51. I take pride in my musical accomplishments.

52. Seeing things in three dimensions is easy for me, and I like to make things in three dimensions.

53. I like to move around a lot.

54. I feel safe when I am with strangers.

55. I enjoy being alone and thinking about my life and myself.

56. I look forward to visiting the zoo.

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